Tuesday 5 November 2013

Hipster subculture

Hipsters adopt styles and assets from a variety of different cultures, cultures which they don't actually belong to. Generally, Hipsters combine aspects from different subcultures in the attempt to be unique however, refusing to conform to anything, they are dress and act the same way. Furthermore, Hipster fashion is seen to be influenced by irony. Vintage clothes are worn which are too big or hideous, establishing presence, in order for them to stand out. Accessories such as fanny packs and lens-less glasses are worn, taken from the 'Nerd' or 'Geek' subculture. Being associated with Indie and Alternative music, Hipster fashion is additionally influenced by music choice, wearing band t-shirts and skinny jeans.

Gratification Model - Hipsters are commonly syndicated with social platforms such as Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr. Nevertheless, society identifies Hipsters with 'sharing a little too much' via social media, such as intricate detail about what they had for breakfast.

Effects Model - With the media classifying a range of different subcultures, Hipsters respond to this by combining these identities to form a differentiated image of an individual. The mind set of this group generally believe that they know or create trends before anyone else however, Hipsters are essentially all the same with the same physical and mental mind sets, even though they believe they are conforming to something with individuality.

Two-Step Model - Hipsters are often influenced by images of individuals of the same demographic age on social media platforms such as Instragram. Celebrities can also influence Hipster trends, acting as an iconic role model, this may be someone such as Jared Leto.

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