When considering the stereotypical fashion for this genre of music, the audience are highly likely to mimick that of the artist due to perceiving them as an 'idol'. The general fashion for this typical audience, for both males and females would be casual, high street fashion such as baggy t-shirts and jeans. This aids the audience to feel in connection with the artist, to the extent of even copying the artist exactly. The leisure activities undertaken by an audience interested in the Drum&bass genre would enjoy going to music festivals and gigs. Futhermore, this can be witnessed by the wide selection of advisements for live music events, both on offical websites and as flyers. In addition, the audience also have the opportunity to buy albums for home entertainment off a variety of music platforms. Moreover, there is the possibility that audiences may be interested in celebrities related to similar genres. Finally, the social economic background of this audience cannot be certain however, one would assume that audiences must be fairly wealthy to be able to afford tickets to concerts and gigs, assuming a middle class status.
I went to the Channel 4 website, registered, and took the 'Tribes' survey. I feel the questions were relevant to answer however, the choice of possible answers rarely applied to me. Trying to answer as truthfully as possible, my result classed me as a 'Styler'. This therefore, stereotyped me...
- You love to look your best, image is everything.
- Think All Saints, Diesel and Nike - nice.
- You have your hairdresser on speed dial, just in case
- Weekends are spent in upmarket bars and an exclusive club for afters; time to get the drinks flowing
- If you had your way, life would be one long R'n'B video
When considering myself as an individual, I feel this is fairly accurate. Image to me is important and Im interested in designer brands, enjoying nights out. However, I infrequently listen to R&B music so the last point I feel doesn't apply to me.
According to the website, only 5% of UK tribes are also stylists, with my region being dominanted by the Townie Tribe.
Again, you need to profile your 'new' audience.