Saturday, 30 November 2013


The shooting for our music video will take place at my house, as this allows us access to an internal area with the facilities that we require. Another strong reasoning for choosing this location was down to convenience, both for myself and the other casting members.

The majority of our shooting will take place within a bedroom. A bedroom is an ideal location for our storyline as this represents the loneliness of our character, being restricted by the four walls she's surrounded by. Hence, this anti-social behaviour is the result of her alcohol and drug abuse, witnessing a sense of isolation from society.This room was specifically chosen due to the dark colour of a wall face. The colour black is usually symbolic of death and mystery therefore, this reflects the mystery of the young girls addiction, conjuring thoughts of fear and the unknown. Internally, we will also be using a bathroom, due to the importance of reflections. From watching numerous influencing music videos with themes of relevance to our storyline such as, 'A-Team' by Ed Sheeran and 'Flashing Lights' by Chase&Status, we have seen that mirrored reflections are commonly used. We wish to include this is our own music video therefore, a bathroom seems like the most logical location for these shots. Furthermore, we plan to use a dark area such as a cupboard, for a section of our filming. The use of low key lighting will enable us to represent the night before, using a flash light to denote the alternating consciousness and unconsciousness of the girls mind. Props used inside the house will include, alcohol bottles, an injection, needles and a bandage. These will be situated in the girls bedroom, suggesting that rather than food and drink, these are being replaced with drugs and alcohol as her living essentials. 

A smaller ratio of our filming will also be shot externally, surrounding the house. This will only be used for the scene in which the girl comes in contact with a drug dealer. Considering reality, we considered an external surrounding to be better. However, we will be filming during the day so in response we will apply a black and white filter to our shots in order to apply a sense of darkness. This will additionally symbolise the negativity of the transaction taking place. For the exterior shooting, we will be using the props of money and flour.

The location of our music video furthermore links to other music videos that we have been studying such as; Time by Chase&Status which captures both an external and an internal home environment. This provides a location which a wide range of audiences can relate to but additionally, prodividing insights into the home lives of other individuals within society.

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