Monday, 3 February 2014

Typical digipak conventions

Main image
There is always a main image used to represent or distinguish an artists unique style. This may either be a photograph, for example on the album cover for Bastille, 'Bad Blood' or an illustration such as on the cover; 'Scouting For Girls'. Having analysed selected digipaks, the main image is usually displayed in order to portray a particular song or even the in depth meanings behind. This contrasts with that typically of the Pop genre, usually having the artists face or appearance upon the cover.

Artists name and album title
After my analysis it has become clear that the artists or bands name is usually situated before the name of the album, with the natural eye working down the album cover.  This is probably due to the significance of importance of the artists name over the name of the album. For instance, with the recognition of the artists name, this allows the audience to research and purchase further media from an individual artist in the future.

  • Track listing
  • Basic background information on the band/artist
  • Record Label
  • Barcode - showing authenity
Inside Panels
The CD and maybe a booklet. This would often include images of the artist or band with something symbolic printed inside, behind the placement of the discs. Furthermore, there may also be information about the album, lyrics to the songs and quotes by the artist.

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