Friday, 17 January 2014

Film Re-edit

After finishing our initial final editing for our music video for the song 'Love Diamonds' by You Are The Empire, we had a class screening. This involved inviting people in from around the college, both students and teachers to view are music video and give as feedback. For this we designed a survey asking both qualitative and quantitative questions.
When analysing our results, certain things appeared dominant for us to change. We asked the question; 'If you could make one suggestion for improvement on our editing, what would it be?' To this question our main response was to shorten the editing on our drug dealing sequence. This was an opinion given by multiple people hence, in acknowledgement we did just this, cutting out the repetitive clips and instead having fewer clips which were longer in length so that our editing continued to match the length of our recorded song. Furthermore, most of our questionnaires suggested changes or additions of colour filters. Due to the vast amount of suggestions, we could only change our music video to suit some of these, using a trial experiment to see which of these were most effective. As a result to the questions, 'Do you feel any other colour filter should be used?' and 'Can you make any suggestions to improve the video?' we took the response to add more of the black and white filter, and applied this our video. Having a black and white colour filter already on a single chorus of our song, we agreed to repeat this on every chorus so that our music shows consistency with our effect choices. In addition, this also countered our feedback to make our music video less colourful at the end by placing this filter over our end sequence. To other replies such as to use a blue or red colour filter, having experimented we found these options to be less effective, in some cases distorting our footage hence, we decided to not alter our final editing in these ways.

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