This Is England is British drama film written and directed by Shane Meadows in 2006. The story centres on young skinheads in England in 1983, meaning that the time between the events taking place and the film being made fits into the 13-25 year boundaries.The film illustrates how their subculture, which has its roots in 1960s West Indian culture, especially ska, soul, and reggae music, became adopted by white nationalists, which led to divisions within the skinhead scene. Combo, an older skin head whom has recently returned after a prison sentence, expresses English nationalist and racist views, and attempts to enforce his leadership over the other skinheads. This leads to the splitting of the group, resulting in the gang engaging in racist antagonism.
Notes from 'This Is England'
- The main character Shaun, is initially not in mainstream society due to the young boy being bullied. He then decides to join the 'Skinheads' however, neither is this group in mainstream society unknown to his acknowledgement.
- At different stages, Shaun saw both Woody and Combo as a father figure - Shaun's dad died in Falklands War hence, why Shaun agreed with Combo's racist viewpoint.
- This Is England sees a similar ending to that of the youth culture film Quadrophenia with the ending of both subculture groups - Shaun throwing away the British flag parallels jimmy driving his scooter off the cliff.
- The Skinhead subculture group revolves around fashion, music and beliefs. Like that of the Mods and Rockers in Quadrophenia.
- This Is England was made exactly 25 years after the event.
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