Tuesday 10 December 2013

Drugs laws driven by "moral panic"

  • Most drug users harm neither themselves nor those around them
  • Treated as a health issue
  • It is driven more by 'moral panic' than by the practical desire to reduce harm
  • ABC classification - drug users pay no attention to it
  • People who used illegal drugs did not harm themselves or cause anyone else any trouble however, they are breaking the law by possessing drugs
  • Drugs education should be moved to primary schools

The Misuse of Drugs Act 1971
  • Prevents the non-medical use of certain drugs
  • Drugs subject to this Act are known as 'controlled' drugs
  • The Act prohibits unlawful possession
  • Police have special powers to stop, detain and search people
 Offences under the Act:
  • possession
  • supply
  • production, cultivation or manufacture
  • import or export
  • allowig premises for consumption or supply
Post humanism
  • Moving beyond the limitations of a human
  • Every human has these qualities
  • Humans are never critical of their physical and mental limitations
  • Human beings can alter their mental and physical state to become another being entirely

  • Class A drug
  • Energy buzz
  • Sounds and colours are more intense
  • Feelings of great love - not a drug that makes people violent 
  • Makes people feel chatty
  • Psychological dependence
  • Damage to the brain
  • Linked to liver, kidney and heart problems
  • 200 ecstasy related deaths in the UK since 1996

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