Friday 14 March 2014

Final Magazine Advertisement

Having edited my first draft of my magazine advert, I received further feedback on a range of newly edited adverts. From this I collected responses from a set survey asking questions about preferences on certain areas of my magazine advert such as; colour and different font types. Thus, my audience research helped me decide on a final print text. My decision was also made by receiving initial feedback on my digipak draft, enabling the artwork of my digipak to be reflected in the magazine ad in order to promote the image of my digipak to my intended audience, implementing the digipak artwork in their head. I feel having changed the colour scheme, adding in an area of monochrome, has helped add to the effectiveness of the injection within the dolls face by making it stand out and visually show the negative effect it has on the girl, being represented by a lack of colour. The area of light trails on the left hand side moreover represents that visually of a scar. This has therefore been included to show the damaging effect of the girls alcohol and drug addiction, harming her both mentally and physically. Finally, having added logos relating to the same genre as my Indie Pop band, increases the realism of my magazine ad, along with relevant quotes and purchasing platforms, connotations of which are seen on magazine advertisements in the music industry.

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