Monday 3 March 2014

Magazine Advertisement

For my magazine ad, I have taken my digipak cover and aligned it central on the advertisement. This allows the audience to identify the imagery of the album, becoming familiar, and therefore being able to recognise it. However, this has been slightly altered so that the band and album name have been removed for the digipak and instead been enlarged at the top of the magazine ad. This has been done to indicate the significance and importance of the text, as the eye typically reads down a page. When editing, I tried out a variety of different colour filters, monochromatic, saturated, along with a mixture of different textures. This allowed me to experiment, seeing what I felt worked and didn't so well. Within my different drafts, all included the typography 'new album - out now'. The inclusion of the word now indicates the urgency of purchasing the digipak along with the feeling of missing out if not. Apart from this I tried out a range of different settings, including logos, dates and ruled lines to add a professional touch to my basic layout. Hence, for my first draft I have decided to go with the bottom left image as the striking colours make it eye catching to the audience, along with the colours representing the modernity and beat of the Indie Pop genre. I further feel that bright colours appeal more to a younger, youth audience, in opposition to the elderly who are associated with less vibrant colours.

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